Articles on Location:geographies-custom/south-asia

One Student’s Call to Go

As a student in South Asia, Ashish heard the message of Christ for the first time through the Knowing God Personally booklet. That day he began a relationship with Jesus.

See God’s Work in Your Career

Thomas Varghese uses his knowledge of the law and science to explain to his co-workers the love of the Savior. You can too.

Lord, How Do I Use My Time?

“Everybody said I was a fool when I resigned,” said Sonia Pandya, former IT worker in South Asia. But after 16 years in the workforce, Sonia decided it was better for her to stay at home. She didn’t know what she would do to fill her days, but God did.

From Gangster to a Pillar of the Community

Once a gangster, Sanjay Rao has become a respected business owner who shares with people in his community about Jesus.

Called to Be the Light

God is using an educator to reach her school with the gospel.

Business is God’s Calling

Daniel Singh was just 25 when he thought the only answer to his problems was to end his life. Today, he leads a nonprofit to help those who feel hopeless while continuing to pursue his passion as a businessman.

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