Articles on Faith-topics:worldview/relativism

Is Everything Relative?

Relativism is a frustrating viewpoint to deal with. This is because someone with a relativistic worldview quite often will not accept the idea of guilt and sin and, hence, will not see the need for a Savior. But relativism is wrong, and there is a good way to approach a relativistic worldview. I will attempt to refute relativism and show how the existence of morality necessarily means that God exists.

What Is the Purpose of Life?

Have you ever wondered if there’s a reason you’re here? If you’re made for something more than just getting through each day? Every one of us has a purpose, and discovering yours will change your life.

Jesus and the Intellectual

This time-tested article shows that Christianity is based on irrefutable historic facts. Dr. Bill Bright draws from the works of notable scholars who affirm their faith in Jesus Christ.

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