Articles on Faith-topics:spiritual-growth/church

Not About Rules

Through discipleship, Monique learns that God doesn’t want to kill our fun and, if He asks us to give up something, He has something better in mind.

How to Pray for the Persecuted Church

Everyday 300 people are killed for their faith in Jesus. Here are practical suggestions for how you can pray for and support persecuted believers.

6 Things the Church Does and Why You Need to Be Part of It

Our journey with God isn’t meant to be solitary. We need each other — it’s been this way since Christianity began.

Christian Versus Christian: Healing Our Dysfunctional Church

Learn how to move toward overcoming divisions within the church.

The Emergent Church

Paul Gould helps you understand the theology of the Emergent Church.

Why Do So Many Kids Leave The Church?

Christian parents want their children to grow up to walk with Christ. So we’re dismayed when we see so many leaving the church as young adults.

Her Song To Sing

LaDonna Wilburn wanted to quit the band before it gave its first performance.

Can atheists have “church?”

Church isn’t just about socializing and feeling good about your community.

Helping New Believers Grow

Six essential steps to start someone on the road toward Christian maturity.

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