Articles on Faith-topics:share-your-faith/outreach-strategies

New Believer Organizes Successful Denver Outreach

Ed Lee volunteered to lead an outreach to other young business professionals, even though he’d been a Christ-follower for a little over 2 years. And, he’s also spiritually mentoring other young men. Ed didn’t wait until he was a seasoned believer to step out in faith.

It Started With A Survey

Sam Gryzwa gives his life to Christ after taking a spiritual interest survey and attending a Cru Bible study as a freshman in college.

How to Use Chalk to Share The Gospel While Social Distancing

This year will look a little different. It is April 2020, and the whole world is in a state of panic. Use your mission field, your neighborhood, to share the gospel in a fun way through sidewalk chalk.

Halloween: Why Make it One Pitch and Done?

How to use the season of several holidays in concert for better outreach results

Share Freedom This July 4th

This Fourth of July, share what true freedom through Christ looks like on your social media with shareable verses and quotes.

Becoming an Explorer: An Airplane Conversation with Keith Davy

On an airplane, Keith Davy recalls a conversation with a French humanist. By asking questions, Keith learns that this apparently spiritually distant man is really open to the gospel.

Role 1: Introducing the Explorer

Learn to approach evangelism as a spiritual journey. As an explorer, you will talk with people to discover and understand where they are in their spiritual journey. Part 2 out of 5.

4 Tips for Being a Spiritual Explorer

Action points to help you approach evangelism as an explorer. CoJourners will help you connect spiritually with the people and guide them toward a relationship with God. Part 2 out of 5.

The Gospel Isn't for My Friends

How do we move beyond insecurities and fears to communicate our most important news with the most important people in our lives?

Take Your Hobby to the Next Level

Apply these helpful suggestions to combine your gift and abilities with serving God.

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