Articles on Faith-topics:missions/digital-missions

How to Pray for Every Person on Earth

"My prayers were full of my worries, my problems, my needs and desires. I was so obsessed with myself I could barely enjoy God and pray for others. It was convicting to say the least."

Falling Plates Went Viral in My Family

"I had no idea that a simple evangelistic film would be shared with so many family members."

Five Marks of Spiritual Movements

Jay Lorenzen describes what makes a movement vs simply a ministry.

Top Tools for Transferable Training

Ministry becomes effective when we accurately apply specific tools, using Biblical strategies, under the power of the Holy Spirit. To get the job done, here are some of the tools to consider adding to the top drawers of your tool chest.

Subscribe to Stepping Stones for Parents

Subscribe to our email series on parenting.

Fulfilling the Great Commission

Use this 10-day campaign to inspire your audience to answer the call of the Great Commission.


A 2-week campaign exploring what it means to be forgiven.

Taking Legal Photos

Here are some tips to help you photographically capture what God is doing in your ministry for social media and general promotional materials.

Videos - Snapchat

Training videos on how to get started and use Snapchat for digital ministry.

One Minute Testimony Video

6 useful steps in creating an effective one minute testimony video

Jesus Film Outreach

Here are 4 steps on using the Jesus film for outreach on Facebook.

Falling Plates Outreach

Here are 4 steps on using the thought-provoking "Falling Plates" film for outreach on Facebook.

Before and After Video on Text

4 tips on sharing your before and after video through text messaging

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