Articles on Faith-topics:holy-spirit/fruit-of-the-spirit

Character Traits to Pray for This Year

This year, pray that God would grow your character through the following 12 traits. Pray for a different character trait each month and journal about the changes you see God developing in you throughout the year.

4 Ways to Help Stop Complaining

4 ways to help stop complaining in your life.

How to Experience Life Change

Use spiritual breathing to fill you with the Holy Spirit’s power.

Why Do I Feel Like God Is Being Hard On Me?

"Perhaps we expect punishment from God, either because we see Him as a harsh master, or see ourselves as dead wood, deserving to be thrown away and burned."

What to Put On and Off in the New Year

As the New Year begins, I have been thinking about how we are reminded to take off our old selves and clothe ourselves in our true identity in Christ. We are invited to put on our new identity and then to clothe ourselves with things that suit our new identity, such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

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