Articles on Faith-topics:attributes-of-god/god-knows-everything

How to Move Forward After Graduation

God seems to lead some people to a specific place or job. But what if you don’t see a flashing sign or a bolt of lightning telling you what to do? Here’s how to move forward.

Is Christianity a paradox?

Christianity is different than all other religions. Salvation comes through God’s grace through faith so no man can boast. Christianity is full of ironies, yet remains absolutely true. When we are weak, we are strong and consider it all joy when we face trials.

What’s the Difference Between a Wish and Prayer?

When does a desire for a specific outcome turn into a prayer? What keeps it from remaining a wish left to chance? The Bible has some things to say about this.

Spiritual Spaghetti

God’s recipes for life are best.

Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Have you ever wondered what God is like? Your view of God and His character might be more important than you ever knew. Everything about your life is influenced by your perception of who He is.

Jesus: God or Just a Good Man?

Jesus' distinct claims of being God eliminate the popular ploy of skeptics who regard Him as just a good moral man or a prophet who said a lot of profound things.

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