Articles on Faith-topics:attributes-of-god/god-is-absolute-truth

Is Everything Relative?

Relativism is a frustrating viewpoint to deal with. This is because someone with a relativistic worldview quite often will not accept the idea of guilt and sin and, hence, will not see the need for a Savior. But relativism is wrong, and there is a good way to approach a relativistic worldview. I will attempt to refute relativism and show how the existence of morality necessarily means that God exists.

How to See God for Who He Really Is

Our view of God is important not only to who we are but how we live our lives.

Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Have you ever wondered what God is like? Your view of God and His character might be more important than you ever knew. Everything about your life is influenced by your perception of who He is.

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