
Cru’s Response to The Coronavirus

March 17, 2020

Resources for Ministry

Over the last couple months, the minds and hearts of human beings around the world have been captured by a common topic. The coronavirus.

Governments are asking questions about individual care and community safety. Individual men and women are experiencing emotions related to the fragility of life. Followers of Jesus are looking for the appropriate opportunity to share the reason for the hope that resides within.

At Cru, we are linking arms with all of society to love one another by preventing the spread of the virus where possible. We are also in partnership with other followers of Jesus to journey alongside those with questions and concern and to help them take the next step with Jesus.

Since January, a global crisis team has been tracking and assisting the nations that were initially affected by the virus. Each Cru ministry around the world is enacting protocols that fit their unique situation.

In March, we enacted the following protocols for all U.S. staff with Cru.

  1. The global headquarters in Orlando, Fla. and regional offices around the nation remain open only for skeleton crews. Approximately 95 percent of staff are being asked to work offsite.

  2. All international ministry travel has been suspended through July 31. (All U.S. staff overseas can travel back to the U.S.)

  3. Domestic ministry travel has been limited except on rare occasions.

  4. All Cru summer missions and projects have been cancelled.

All of these protocols are in place for the benefit of our employees, for our community and for the nation. We will continue to evaluate and follow the guidance of the CDC, the WHO and other health professionals.

At the same time Cru remains on mission. We are introducing people to Jesus, helping them to grow in their faith and to reach out to others. It just looks a little different these days. Instead of live group events we’re using variety of digital resources and social media interactions. Limited travel provides new opportunity to focus on neighborhoods. We believe we can continue to take the initiative in ministry without putting you at risk unnecessarily. We are in this for the long haul and are trusting God to transform lives no matter the perceived barriers within a culture.

Finally, we want to encourage you to take time to nurture your own intimacy with the Lord. Look for extended time to be in His presence and to seek Him. Spend time talking and listening in prayer. Let Him care for you deeply and increase your dependence upon Him. Jesus is our priority. In the weeks ahead may we fall more in love with Him and carry that love to others in powerful ways.

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