Stories by Melody Copenny

Melody Copenny

serves as a journalist with Cru. She’s an Atlanta, Georgia, native and University of Georgia graduate with a bachelor’s degree in magazine journalism. She enjoys the intersection of creativity, theology and popular culture in her writing projects. Contact Melody at

How To Start a Spiritual Conversation With One Word

The Words Project helps foster spiritual conversations with ease.

Five Ways to Struggle Well in Unexpected Disappointment

There are three women’s names who traveled for Brazil, prepared to compete yet were never mentioned by commentators. These women didn’t get to compete for gold, but they learned how to struggle well.

This Is What Happens When You Get Over Yourself

How to embrace and value the stories of others as strongly as you do your own.

Forgiving My Dad Set Us Both Free

I didn’t have as much time as I needed with my dad in my early years, but then one day God set things in motion, unexpectedly.

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