Stories by Kylah Kerry

Kylah Kerry

serves as Web Content Specialist at Cru. She grew up in Elkhart, IN and studied Creative Writing at Florida State University. Through her writing, she hopes to bring recognition to the love, power and truth of Jesus Christ.

How to Stop Being a Hypocritical Christian

Discover three tips for avoiding hypocrisy and handling offense.

When the Unreached Becomes the One Reaching Out

Top executive, Todd, was once considered to be unreached. Now he helps the unreached around him find their way to Christ.

4 Questions for Anyone Struggling to Pray

Since prayer is our main form of communication with God, prayer itself is the relationship. Here are 4 ways we can look at our relationships with people to learn about our relationship with God.

4 Things to Remember When You’re Discouraged

I went through a period where I was struggling with feelings of anxiety and guilt about my performance as a Christian. Then God showed me I was looking at myself and my flaws in the wrong way.

5 Things My Cat Taught Me About God

If we have such strong emotions and love for our pets, then we can be sure that they’re just a small shadow of the infinitely greater love that God has for us.

5 More Things My Cat Taught Me About God

I’m always so amazed at how much God can teach us through the most ordinary things in our lives. For me lately, it’s been my cat, Boots.

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