Stories by Jason Weimer

Jason Weimer

writes for The Communications Group of Cru. He served as a team leader for Cru’s campus ministry in Pittsburgh for seven years. He has one wife, three kids, and an embarrassing number of brain cells reserved for the Pittsburgh Pirates. Contact Jason at

Is Speaking the Truth in Love Just Telling It Like It Is?

How can we express concern for others and share Christ effectively in potentially awkward scenarios?

How to Grow Friendships That Last a Lifetime

Life is full of unexpected challenges. You were not meant to face them alone. Learn how to build healthy friendships that can offer support when you need it the most.

How Comfort Is Actually Killing Us

What does embracing the cultural value of comfort actually do to our souls?

Dear Dad, You Have Grandchildren Now

A Cru staff member’s letter to his deceased father, lamenting the loss and considering the influence on his own parenthood.

If You Want to Make Disciples, Simplify Your Playbook

A ministry to athletes in Minnesota saw spectators become leaders, thanks to the playbook they learned from Jesus.

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