Stories by Jan Stewart

Jan Stewart

serves as a journalist with Cru. She has had an interest in creative writing ever since her high school newspaper column days. She hopes to inspire hearts toward Christ. Contact Jan at

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring can be a rewarding and encouraging experience.

God's Provision

Discover what God is teaching you in whatever financial circumstance you're in.

Rise Above

Rising above circumstances with help from the Holy Spirit.

What Can Christians Learn From a Sorority?

What started as an outlet for Ruth to talk about her faith and make friends has actually shown her what Christians can learn from sororities.


Learn how to offer others a share of the grace you have received.

How to Share Hope at Christmastime

Do you long to have conversations around the gospel but don’t know how to bring them up? Here are four creative ways to help people know the peace and hope of Christ this holiday season.

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