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Capturing a missionary’s journey of serving God for four decades is a feat, much like doing research on a rare commodity. Findingsuch “faithful laborers” are becoming less easy nowadays.Many workers leave, and have left,the ministryfor several reasons – eitherfrom loss of vision, burn out, lack of financial support, family pressure,orsadly, for others, because of falling into sin.

Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ has been blessed with numerous “faithful missionaries” in its 53 years of existence. Out of its roster, two celebrated and were recently honored for their 40 years of service!

Estrella Peralta and Beverly Clores committed their lives to help fulfillthe Great Commission in 1978. Forty years ago, they went through an intensive7-month training to become full time missionaries of Philippine Campus Crusade for Christ, and embarked ona journey that would take them all over the Philippines and toother Asian countries. 

Different assignments, different teams,and working with all kinds of people on campus and churches have, on countless occasions, challenged their faith,sharpened their people skills, andstrengthened their resolve even more.And yet, exposure to some of the most trying situations and difficulties only served to strengthen their calling and sustain their commitment to God.

Why did they choose to stay with CCC for 40 years? Beverly has this to say, “I want to be a part of a movement that is committed to seeing lives changed.” Estrelle, on her journey says, “I like the vision and mission of CCC. The way they develop and encourage their missionaries and disciples has given me confidence to stay on.”

But what is it that kept them going, especially now that they are in their “senior years”? Both say that their secret lies in abiding in the Lord. Both agree that even in those very trying moments, the thought of leaving the ministry never cross their minds.

“During those toughest times when giving up seems knocking at the door, I would always recall my father’s prayer the night before I left home to obey God’s call. He prayed ‘Lord take care of my daughter. I entrust her to You’,” Beverly shares as tears well up in her eyes.

For as long as there is strength left in their bodies, both missionaries desire to keep on serving the Lord. 

Of the 19 who were originally trained in Baguio, only Estrelle Peralta and Beverly Clores stayed onto serve God with PCCC.


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