From Genesis to Revelation

Day 29: Jesus Christ, Superstar

Each day of this devotional series, we will consider key moments in God’s glorious plan to redeem us. We will understand both the overarching story of God and the highlights of all He’s done for us in Christ.

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” – Hebrews 12:1-2, New International Version

The Musical

Before I knew Christ, I loved the Rice/Lloyd Webber rock opera, “Jesus Christ Superstar.” This hip musical dazzled audiences in the early ’70s. I’m discerning enough now to recognize its weak theology, but it was the source of nearly all my biblical knowledge at the time. I have grown spiritually since then, but I still want Jesus to be my superstar. 


Superstars captivate us. Whether its LeBron James, Meryl Streep or Beyoncé, a superstar grabs our attention. But only one person should capture our hearts.

Key Book

A number of years ago, a guest speaker at a retreat identified Hebrews as a “key” book in the New Testament. I made it my goal to thoroughly study this fascinating epistle. I discovered that the author also wanted his audience to recognize Jesus as their superstar.

Evidently, people had gotten their eyes off of Jesus and onto other things — not bad things, but not the best things. The unknown author of Hebrews persuades his audience of the superiority of Jesus. He’s superior to any person or thing that people seek to meet the deepest needs of their hearts. I’m just like his audience. I often get so obsessed with the latest book, theology, worship style or pastor that I forget to focus on Jesus. 

I should focus more on Jesus. His sacrifice saves me. His love fulfills me. His cause ignites my life’s mission. 

I need to see him as my Superstar again. 


According to a Pew Research Center study, the percentage of Christians in the world will not change significantly for the next thirty years (hovering around 31% of the total population). If we want to trust God to change that statistic and see revival around the world, it will be fueled by people whose eyes are fixed on Jesus and His plan to reach the world — people who truly see Jesus as their superstar

Next: Paul’s vision was to spread the gospel to everyone who hadn’t heard yet. The gospel has spread all over the world. It’s even more exciting when the gospel transforms our hearts.


  • Which superstar (in any arena of life) do you admire, and why? Why does that person capture your attention?
  • Why is it that we lose our focus on Jesus?
  • In the book of Hebrews, the author indicates that religious leaders, mediators and religious systems are not a good primary focus for our faith. In what ways might that be true today?
  • If we have lost our focus on Jesus (the author and perfecter of our faith), how can we regain that?

Going Deeper:

  • Read the Book of Hebrews

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