
Raising Up Generational Saints

The presence of generational sins is very real. But God’s redeeming grace has the power to set us free. Regie traces his roots to broken families and worldly sin.  Being an illegitimate child without good role models, he could have continued being trapped in the cycle of sins from the previous generation. His story proves God’s transforming love can free a person from the cycle and bringing hope and healing around him and the generations to come.


In the summer of 2015, Regie met his half siblings for the first time. For the first time in his life, he now has someone he can call a real “Ate” and “Kuya”. The first meeting was very warm and cordial. Regie felt accepted. His aunt and her husband was  hospitable and excited to meet Regie and his family. Suddenly the invisible walls he felt were no longer there. His heart was overwhelmingly glad with the special treatment and attention afforded them, something deprived of him for so many years.  

Hesitant to meet initially, Regie was anxious because he doesn’t know how to respond nor what to expect from them. But the meeting turned out to be a “homecoming.” Everyone was happy to see Regie and his family. They even remarked that his children have resemblance with their cousins.

Raising his own family and see God’s work in their lives, is something Regie is more excited about and focused rather than be bothered with having half siblings. This is one issue in his life he thought God has brought closure over the years. But meeting his half sibling up close and personal, he believed, was God’s way of slowly bringing healing from the pain he nurtured as an illegitimate child. God opened this new chapter in his life and he was determined to turn this into a new mission field he needed to trust God. 

As the line of connection was restored, Regie saw how their family lives are so far different from his own. They are well off financially and materially but they have a crises of brokenness. Some went through extra marital affairs, separation, and produced illegitimate children. Addiction to gambling also runs through the family. It was not surprising since his own dad had the same issues. He had four “firstborns“ with four different women, was addicted to gambling, was into cockfights and mahjong. Those were the generational sins he passed onto his children-and to his grandchildren.

Regie was raised up by his mother and saw the same sin pattern in his life at a very young age.  At age 7 he learned how to gamble, either with cards and coins, horse racing and boat racing, plate numbers and billiards to name a few. Had the Lord not intervene, he was on right on track to become a gambling lord.

But because of God’s grace and mercy, he met Christ in an evangelistic meeting in November 20, 1976. The transforming power of God broke through his life, setting him free from the stronghold that gripped him. He cuts through and put a stop to the sins that can easily passed onto his children.

Regie firmly believes that when we share our faith, we are actually channels for God’s power to flow and break down the enemy’s strongholds, setting people free from their bondage and short circuiting the generational sins so we can raise-up generational saints.

“Instead of passing down generational sins, we now have the potential to raise-up generational saints.” I pray that my children will continue to walk with God and serve Him. They are part of my contribution to the Great Commission,” Regie concluded with so much hope.


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