Outreach Strategies

Fill the Feast

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Last month, Sioux Empire Cru (Eastern South Dakota) participated in an evangelistic outreach we titled “Fill the Feast.” The outreach was inspired by Matthew 22:1-10. We wanted our students to have a vision of what it's going to be like at the wedding feast in Heaven one day, and who may possibly be missing from that feast (friends, family, etc.). We wanted to dedicate 4 hours a day to the Gospel for a week at every campus we could. The week started out with a training session on how to share the Falling Plates video and conduct a brief survey , as well as how to share the Knowing God Personally booklet.

The great thing about this outreach is that it's easy for anyone to participate. We had lots of freshmen come along side the upperclassmen Cru leaders. See the list of leadership roles at the bottom of this story .) At the end of the week we had a huge celebratory “feast” with everyone who participated in the outreach. During the week, students met in the morning for an hour to have fellowship, worship, and time in the Word. They would then partner up at the end of the meeting and schedule two hours of that day when they could go out sharing together. We had the students share the Falling Plates video with as many people as possible in those two hours. After each viewing of the video, we asked the viewers a few survey questions (related to the issues raised in the video) and gave them a chance to go through the KGP with us. At the end of the day, the Cru students would reconvene for an hour to share stories of what God did that day and to pray for those who had the chance to watch the video and/or hear the Gospel.

We had students record what God had done on “God@Work” sheets. All together 292 people saw the video, 146 people heard the Gospel through the KGP, and 14 people received Christ as their Lord and Savior! (These statistics are underrepresented because some people would come to the morning meetings and not the night ones, where numbers were recorded.)

Three Sioux Empire campuses participated in this event that week. We really stressed to our students that we wanted the event to be an “all-in” ordeal. We wanted them to know what it means to be spent for the Gospel. God blessed us immensely in this outreach, and the students had a better understanding of eternity when it was done.

Fill The Feast Leadership Roles

Outreach Leader

You are the main point person for this outreach. You should be at every meeting time. You will be making sure everything is going smoothly and things are going the way they are supposed to. On Monday night, you will be firing people up for the outreach! We suggest making a Facebook page/event too. It may be helpful for relaying messages to the group.

Location Manager

You are in charge of finding meeting rooms every morning and every night of the week of the outreach (except for Friday night). It should be an actual room if possible, not just a meeting place. Communicate the locations of the rooms for that week to the Outreach Leaders.

Morning Bible Study Leader

You will be in charge of leading the group through a selected passage every morning of the outreach. Feel free to lead it however you want! You have about 15 minutes every morning, Tues-Fri.

Tuesday – Matthew 22:1-10

Wednesday – Psalm 42

Thursday – Romans 5:1-11

Friday – Ephesians 3:14-21

Morning Worship/Prayer Leader

You are in charge of prayer and worship for the morning meetings. You will have about 25 min for both of these total. Create a CD, bring an iPod with a dock, or bring a guitar (whatever you want) to the meetings to lead the group in a few worship songs. Print off lyrics to these songs (just a few copies). The songs should be fairly familiar to people. You will also be leading everyone in a time of prayer for that day. Do what you want with this. Have them pair up, make groups, pray all at once, or whatever you want to do!

Outreach Trainer

You will be in charge of describing the outreach/week to everyone on Monday night. Explain what will be going on in the morning and night meetings, what they will be doing when they share, and Friday’s Feast. You will want to ask them to role play for this when you explain the sharing of the video. Role play up front first with a friend before you have them do this. Use the Falling Plates Survey as a guide. You will have about 20 minutes for this.

KGP Trainer

You will be leading the group through KGP Training on Monday night. You will need lots of KGPs, so let us know when we can get them to you. Go through the Big 6 questions with everyone and explain them well so anyone can share them if asked to. An action group member should do this. You will have about 25 minutes. Role play if you have time.

Feast Coordinator

You will be in charge of the Friday Feast! It is a celebration time, so talk to the Share/Prayer Leader about getting the God@Work sheets for this. You have $125 to spend on food, decorations, etc. Do whatever you want to for food. For example, order pizza and have people bring deserts. You are the party planner! You will also be in charge of finding a place to have this party. It will be at 8 PM on Friday. Someone’s house or apartment may be a good idea, or somewhere off campus. Let the leaders know where it will be held as soon as you can so they can let others know.

Share/Prayer Leader

You are in charge of leading the sharing and praying at all the night meetings. You will also be collecting all the God@Work sheets. You are in charge of keeping track of how the Lord is working. You can create something using the God@Work sheets for the night celebrations so that we can visually see what God’s been doing. You can then add to it each night and see how much God has been moving in and through everyone. Be creative! Give this to the Feast Coordinator for the Feast on Friday. Ask people to share stories of what happened throughout the day and pray for those who were shared with. Do this however you want to. You have the whole hour. Remember, by the end of the week, we want to know the total number of people who were shown the video, shared with, and number of people who have accepted Christ.

Partnering Guru

You are in charge of partnering up leaders in the movement with non-leaders in the movement. Make sure 2 people who’ve never shared their faith before DON’T go together! One person of each group should either have a smart phone, computer, or iPod/iPad with an internet connection so they can show the video. Make sure they have internet access. Make sure someone also has a pair of ear buds in case they are needed for the video.


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