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Relationships are the glue that hold small groups together. Creating an environment where people can deepen their relationship with one another is a big part of leading a healthy small group.
You can download or view this free chapter from the book “The Ultimate Roadtrip” by Rick Hove, which explains how to create an environment that cultivates trust and friendship, develops relationships and takes a look at Jesus, Paul and their “small groups.”
Here are five great tips from the chapter on how to develop community in your group:
During your group’s discussion time, do the following:
Here are some ideas for activities you can do together with group members:
Go to an athletic event.
Go shopping.
Go to a movie.
Attend church.
Play sports together and/or challenge another small group to join.
Go to a lake, the mountains or to an amusement park.
Go to dinner.
Do an outreach together.
Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity or Big Sisters/Big Brothers as a group.
Go on a road trip.
Visit a group member’s hometown.
Go on a scavenger hunt
Celebrate major life events in group members’ lives.
If you have some ideas for building community with your small group, community group or Bible study, share them in the comments below.
Check out “The Ultimate Roadtrip: A Guide to Leading Small Groups” for an in-depth discussion of this topic and many other crucial topics for small group leaders.
Sign up to receive weekly tips about leading a small group.
Check out our small groups page “(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Leading a Small Group” for more content that will equip you to be an effective small group leader.
Adapted from Rick Hove, “The Ultimate Roadtrip: A Guide to Leading Small Groups” (Orlando: CruPress, 2010).
Preparing the first small group meeting is a crucial task for any small group leader. Group members are often unfamiliar with each other, and it’s important to help everyone feel welcome and comfortable. Here are 10 ideas to help you start well.
Want to know how you can create a safe environment for meaningful connection with a small group you’re leading virtually? Here are some ideas for you.
“Essentials for Spiritual Growth and Multiplication” is a small group discussion series designed to help people grow in Christ and get involved in ministry. This guide will help you know how to lead a group to discover God’s truth and put it into practice.
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