Today's Promise

Awards for Faithfulness

Today's Promise - July 14

"Stop being afraid of what you are about to suffer - for the devil will soon throw some of you into prison to test you. You will be persecuted for 'ten days.' Remain faithful even when facing death and I will give you the crown of life - an unending, glorious future" (Revelation 2:10).

I find this a very timely word of caution, for we live in a day when it appears that the enemy is making his last fling. I would not attempt to set dates, for it may be years, decades or even centuries before the culmination of all things.

But the fact remains that committed believers are facing persecution and testing as perhaps seldom before. You and I may be called upon to suffer for the cause of Christ. By faith, we are not to fear, knowing that an "unending, glorious future" awaits us.

This promise might apply equally to the physical suffering we encounter from time to time as a part of the natural order of things. If we can accept such suffering as part of God's plan for us - one of the "all things" of Romans 8:28 that is working together for our good - we will be among those victors who are able to "count it all joy."

As we consider these possibilities, we may be optimistic, even cheerful, knowing that we are already on the winning side - more than conquerors. And we need not be afraid, for "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write:

These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. 9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.

11 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.

Today's Action Point

I will count on God's promise of Romans 8:28 to do only that which is good for me, regardless of the circumstances. He will enable me to live supernaturally.

Related Topics:
Devotional Romans 8

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