Passages - Week 3: The Builder

Unused Bridges

Day 7

“At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”Mark 10:22

Many obstacles keep people from Christ. The rich young man who came to Jesus seemed so close spiritually. He was there with Jesus, talking face to face, experiencing his love and listening to his insight. Yet an obstacle stood in the way of his willingness to trust Jesus and follow him. It was his great wealth. Regrettably he turned away and the opportunity of a lifetime, no, of eternity, had passed him by.

As we enter into the spiritual journeys of others, we want to help them over obstacles that keep them from coming to Christ. But we will not always be successful; no matter how hard we try. We cannot underestimate the effect that other influences have on a person’s ultimate choice. Jesus showed the rich young man the way to move beyond the idolatry of his wealth. But once the man understood the issue, he made his own decision.

We follow Jesus’ model—lovingly showing others the way beyond, but allowing others to make their decisions.


Even the best bridge may not be crossed.

Take a Step

Memorize this thought: “Success in evangelism is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.” 




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