From Genesis to Revelation

Day 11: Seen, Heard, Known

Each day of this devotional series, we will consider key moments in God’s glorious plan to redeem us. We will understand both the overarching story of God and the highlights of all He’s done for us in Christ.

“When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” – Matthew 9:36, New International Version

God’s People

God wanted a people of His own through whom He would bless the earth and provide a remedy for humankind’s spiritual separation from Him. It began with a man, Abraham, and grew into a family. A severe famine drove Abraham’s family to Egypt, where the 11th son of Jacob, Joseph, had a position second only to Pharaoh in power and influence. Under his protection, the family settled in Egypt and prospered.

Blessing to Bondage

At first, Egypt provided God’s people a place of protection, plenty and productivity, but eventually the Egyptians enslaved these immigrants. God noticed, and He cared. 

Delivery Man

God chose Moses to deliver His people. Although raised in the privilege of the Egyptian royal court, Moses later chose to identify as a Hebrew. His former mentors drove him away, and he became a wandering shepherd. Then God told Moses that He’s noticed the suffering of His people. 

“I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters. I know their sufferings. ... Come, I will send you. ” – Exodus 3:7,10, English Standard Version (emphasis mine)


Notice the sympathy of God. He sees, hears, and knows His people and compassionately initiates a rescue plan.

Does God see our misery? Does God hear our cries for help? Does God know about our pain? 

Like all people, we suffer the consequences of our sin and the sins of others against us. God knows. He wants to rescue us. 

Just as God raised up Moses to lead His people from bondage to blessing in the Promised Land, God raised up Jesus to rescue us from the consequences and practice of our sin. When we follow the One whom God sends, we experience the deliverance and blessings of a God who sees, hears and knows.

Next: God sees us and cares about us, but nothing communicates love more than presence. In our next lesson, we’ll discover how Moses found an antidote to his feelings of inadequacy. 


  • What is your response to the fact that God sees, hears and knows you?
  • Egypt seemed, at first, a place of blessing, but it became a place of enslavement. Can sin have the same effect? How?
  • Does God’s awareness of you make a difference when you experience challenges and difficult times? How?

Going Deeper:





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