Outreach Strategies

Prof 101: Five Things You Need To Know About Professors

Paul Gould outlines a vision for reaching the campus though reaching out to university professors. Why university professors? Consider:

  • Professors infuence every student with whom we work. Over the course of four years, every single student spends around 2,000 hours in a classroom, being taught and shaped by 25-30 professors. And the influence doesn’t stop there—add textbooks, homework assignments, papers to be written, and so on and we begin to see the incredible reach of university professors.
  • Professors are the permanent fixtures on a campus. Over a lifetime of teaching, each professor will influence thousands of students from many different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
  • Professors have a unique voice—through their writing and research they ultimately shape the world.

Recognizing the strategic importance of professors, several years ago the US Campus Ministry began to shift our mission toward reaching the whole campus—students and professors—with the great dream of being able to send the whole campus—students and professors—to change the world. In so many ways we are a better campus ministry with students and professors together.

The Prof 101 Booklet can be found at CruProf.com or downloaded above.





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