Outreach Strategies

Free Apps to Share Your Faith

Use these creative apps to tell others about Christ.


Sharing your faith can be intimidating, especially when you don’t know where to start. You’re not alone. Cru® has several resources available at your fingertips to help you overcome hurdles to talking about Jesus, to normalize spiritual conversations and to make them a part of your everyday life.

The following apps can help you communicate with ease, clarity and direction. Whether it’s with a stranger on the bus or your grandparents in your own home, knowing you have starting points can help you have meaningful conversations.

If you know what app you’re looking for, use the shortcut links below:

Jesus Film Project® app
Perspective Cards®






The GodTools® app helps to remove barriers and challenges to having spiritual conversations. This app guides you before, during and after a conversation. It also takes a person through the gospel using Scripture and key questions that keep dialogue moving.

This app offers tools and lessons to provide you with practical ideas to build relationships around Jesus. Depending on how you want to start a conversation, you can guide a person through digital versions of gospel invitations like Knowing God Personally (a four-point gospel presentation using Scripture, illustrations and questions), Satisfied (an explanation of how the Christian can live a life empowered by the Holy Spirit), and presentation tools for a variety of cultural contexts.

GodTools also answers questions you might have about sharing your faith. Some examples include:

  • How to demonstrate the gospel with your life

  • How to move your everyday conversations to a deeper level

  • How to start getting to know your neighbors

  • When to use a gospel invitation tool

GodTools is available in more than 80 languages if you want to take someone through a resource in their heart language.

Use when: You want to learn how to easily share the good news of Jesus in any environment.




Download it now:




Jesus Film Project® app



The Jesus Film Project® app has more than 200 videos about the story of Jesus, along with short films that spark spiritual conversations. Since the “JESUS” film was created in 1979, it has been translated into more than 2,000 languages. So no matter where you are, you can connect with people through short films in their language.

Each video in the app comes with discussion questions to help viewers open up about their own experiences. You can download the videos to use offline.

For someone who may have never heard of Jesus, seeing a portrayal of Jesus and hearing the words of Scripture can be a gift.

The app features an interactive world map that allows you to select countries and see how many “JESUS” film language translations exist there.

Use when: You want to start a conversation around a video or short film.


Download it now:




Perspective Cards®



Perspective Cards® offers a virtual deck of cards that allows participants to choose their perspective on five spiritual categories:

  • The nature of God

  • The meaning and purpose of life

  • Human nature

  • Who Jesus is

  • The source of spiritual truth

Each person picks the card that best represents their belief and explains why they believe it. Simply asking for their opinions and genuinely listening both invite dialogue. If the other person is interested in hearing your perspective, you can use the cards to introduce them to who Jesus is and how to know God.

Use when: You want to learn more about someone’s spiritual beliefs or worldview.



Download it now:







Soularium® allows you to explore others’ lives, experiences and spiritual beliefs using photos.

Participants enter their names and choose images that answer the following prompts:

What image(s) …

… describe your life right now?

… represent what you wish were a part of your life right now?

… would you choose to describe God?

… best describes what you’ve experienced spiritually?

… best represents what you wish were true of your spiritual life or journey?

This tool allows people to use their creativity and imagination to describe what they are going through. And because images connect with our emotions and experiences, people may be more likely to go deeper with you.

Use when: You want to give someone an opportunity to tell their story.




Download it now:



Keep in mind


While these apps help with spiritual conversations and gospel invitations, remember the importance of first relying on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance. God does not intend for you to share the good news about Jesus in your own strength.

Successful evangelism is taking the initiative to talk about Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God. This is freeing for us! The results don’t depend on how well we share the gospel or how well we ask spiritual questions.

Only God truly changes people’s hearts.

Before and during a spiritual conversation, ask the Holy Spirit to work in and through you and in the life of the other person. Pray that the Holy Spirit would help you to listen and that He would guide the conversation.

Check out our Personal Evangelism 101 guide for more resources on how to share the gospel with those around you.



Unto® Water Challenge

Wait 2 Hydrate

Wait 2 hours before drinking to reflect on those who lack clean water. Sign up to raise awareness and win prizes!

boy holding water bottle



Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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