Evangelism Principles

3 Tips for Sharing Your Testimony

two men on beach photo by Ted Wilcox


If you’re looking for a natural way to talk about your faith, your own testimony is a great place to start! When you share the story of how your life has changed because of your relationship with Jesus, you become a living example of the gospel at work. But how and when do you begin a conversation like that?

The idea of sharing your testimony with someone can be intimidating. Whether you’re speaking to a close friend or a room of strangers, telling your story requires courage and dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Here are three tips to make sharing your story easier.


#1 Recognize when God is leading you to share your story.


Practice depending on and listening to the Holy Spirit. Praying regularly for opportunities to talk about your faith will make you more aware of the Spirit’s lead. Think of the people you interact with daily. Who might the Holy Spirit be calling you to share your story with?

Each of us is equipped by our testimony to introduce people to Jesus. Your story is your personal account of how God changes lives! As a psalmist wrote: “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story — those he redeemed from the hand of the foe” (Psalm 107:2, NIV).

Whether your testimony includes a dramatic leap of faith or a steady walk with Jesus, you should never underestimate its power. No matter the specific details of your story, when you placed your faith in Christ you became part of “a chosen people … that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9, NIV).


two girls doing laundry photo by Ted Wilcox


#2 Identify your hesitations.


If fear is holding you back from sharing your story, the best way to overcome your anxiety is to dispel it with truth. Here are some common hesitations, and reminders to help you move forward. Consider what resonates with you most. How might God be inviting you to deeper trust in Him?


What if I don’t know the answer to a question?


When you feel unsure, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you. Jesus, when sending his disciples out to share the good news, warned that they’d  face challenges and opposition. But he also encouraged them not to “worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you” (Matthew 10:19-20, NIV).

You can rely on the Holy Spirit to help you know what to say. If you don’t have an answer at the moment, it’s OK to say, “I don’t know.” You can offer to look into it together or get back to them later.


What if sharing my story makes things awkward between us?


If your faith is an important part of your life, it should come as no surprise that you want to talk about it. Think of how strange it would be if your co-workers or neighbors knew nothing about your loved ones or hobbies! There’s nothing inherently awkward in talking about something so central to who you are. The apostles, when asked to stop talking about Jesus, said, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20, NIV). Like the apostles, you can’t help but speak about God’s work in your life — it’s only natural, and too wonderful not to share!

If you sense awkwardness after talking about your faith or sharing your story, ask the other person about it. Perhaps something you said stuck with them, or maybe they’re deciding whether to ask a follow-up question. Addressing any tension will clear the air quickly and create space for them to respond.


What will this person think of me?


If this is a person you have an existing relationship with, trust that they will believe the best of you. When in doubt, make your intentions clear and ask if they’d like you to share more. Clarity and gentleness are your friends.

Remember, your identity in Christ is unshakeable. Paul writes to the Romans, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1, NIV). The way others respond to your story does not define you. Often, desires for acceptance, approval or success are enough to keep believers from following the Spirit’s lead.

In reality, it’s unlikely that people will respond as you fear. It’s more likely your vulnerability will deepen your relationship.


two men in front of green house photo by Ted Wilcox


#3 Keep it simple, open and curious.


You don’t need to wait for the perfect moment or prepare the smoothest transition to start a conversation about your testimony. A simple invitation can look something like this:

  • “I don’t know your experience with religion or the church, but would you like to hear about how Jesus changed my life?”

  • “Have I ever told you about what my life was like before my faith became a priority?”

  • “My relationship with Jesus is important to me, which makes me wonder what your experience with faith and spirituality has been?”

Though preparation is good, no conversation is perfectly scripted. A key to sharing is listening. You don’t have to fit everything into one conversation. Allow room for the other person to ask questions and share their experience. Let them know you’re willing to share more, perhaps in a future conversation.


Moms on playground photo by Ted Wilcox


Your testimony is an exceptional evangelism tool because it can move naturally into sharing the gospel. And what could be more exciting than offering someone the same good news of Jesus that you’ve received? For more ways to transition into a spiritual conversation, explore the resources GodTools has to offer.

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