QUIZ: How Can You Reflect Jesus Through Generosity?

Your Results

Here is a story that may inspire you to take your next step:

A Vision, a Contract, and a Successful Life of Generosity

In 1951, Bill and Vonette Bright, founders of Campus Crusade for Christ, signed a contract with God to surrender everything to Him. Watch the Brights share what their commitment has meant for them. To get the most out of this, spend time journaling answers to the questions and praying about how to apply it in your life.

Video Questions:

  • What stood out to you?
  • Bill Bright says, “Our view of God is such that we know we can trust Him implicitly.” In what areas of your life do you find it easy to trust God? What areas are more difficult?
  • Bill begins one sentence by saying, “Well, we were listening, and the Holy Spirit told me...” Do you ever start sentences this way? How might your life be different if you did?
  • Bill suggests that the vision for Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru) would not have come without their unconditional surrender. What might you be missing by not surrendering fully to Christ?
  • How are you going to act today on what you’ve learned from the Brights’ story?

    Check out these ideas to take a fresh, new step in your generosity. God will use you, guaranteed.

    See My Next Steps



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    Transform Lives, Starting with Yours

    Understand God’s work in your life. Reach those around you and build communities of faith.

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