Work and Rest

VIDEO: Why Hobbies Help us Know God Better

August 1, 2017

Hobbies can enable you to slow down and discover your full humanity. You were made to create, and healthy creating is about discovery, not self-indulgence. How do you discern whether a hobby is worth your time?   

Key questions to ask when evaluating your hobbies:

  • Does this hobby refresh my soul? Does it feel like work, or like play? Think of God’s joy as he threw the stars into place. Learn about how we should think about God’s creation.
  • How does this hobby help me imitate or understand my Creator?
  • How valuable is the hobby to me? Sometimes we Christians become over-prescriptive here. For example, if Jesus hung out with twelve young men today, I imagine he would hold his own in a video game. Watch what Jesus was really like here.
  • How has God created me to appreciate His world and be His “little creator?” Discover how your personality connects you with God.



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Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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