Work and Rest

The Way You Love Your City Matters to God

What if your presence in your city moved beyond Instagram likes and Facebook check-ins at your favorite foodie spots?

What if there was a deeper reason behind where you live other than proximity to your job or family?

It doesn’t matter how big or small your city is, the point is that it is full of people who matter to God.

God Cares About Where You Are

In Jeremiah 29:4-7 we read about God’s people living in exile.

God had driven the Israelites away from their homeland because of their disobedience. And even there — where life was not what they thought that it would be — God invited them to:

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare” (Jeremiah 29:7, ESV).

By the Lord’s grace, many of us are flourishing in and around cities today, as we follow our dreams, start families or start over.

No matter what your circumstance is, you can listen to the Lord and gain direction from Him for how to engage the city, suburb, town or neighborhood He’s planted you in.

It can seem daunting at first.

But in the midst of fear, feelings of inadequacy or a busy schedule, you have an opportunity to trust God.

So, Where Can You Start?

Here are some ways that you can bring God’s light and love to your community:

Seek peace.

Seek prosperity.

  • Learn about the history of your city and its people, which could include hidden stories of injustice and brokenness that continue to affect people now.
  • Ask God how He might use you and your church to bring healing and encouragement to the injustices above.
  • Learn and practice these tangible ways to “Love Your Neighbor and Your Neighborhood.

Pray to the Lord.

Look to the local news, follow individuals and organizations on social media or check out your city’s websites to see how you can pray:

  • For your local government leaders.
  • For churches in your area and God’s work through them as they minister.
  • For special events coming to your city.

Discover how to love your city and love its people.

Your city matters to God because the people there — including you — matter to Him.



Unto® Water Challenge

Wait 2 Hydrate

Wait 2 hours before drinking to reflect on those who lack clean water. Sign up to raise awareness and win prizes!

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Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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