Trusting God in the Unknown

How to Move Forward After Graduation



“No matter what you decide to do, it’s never outside of God’s plans,” shared the speaker at my campus ministry retreat.

For me, a graduating college senior, these are comforting words.

God is big enough to use any decision I make. Whichever path I take, God will still be with me. If my first choice after graduation doesn’t work out, I know God will provide for me. I can trust the community I’ve built in my church to help me as well.

How to Move Forward in the Unknown

The difficulty with transition is the many possibilities — of careers or even going back for more schooling. God seems to lead some people to a specific job or place. But I've never seen a flashing sign or a bolt of lightning telling me what to do. So I weigh my options by talking to God through prayer, and then I make a choice. Each step of the way, I pray, “If this isn’t what I should be doing, make obstacles for me.” But God doesn’t always close a door. Often, He leaves me with several opportunities. In any case, I must choose to move forward by faith.

A New Perspective

My post-graduation plans are still uncertain, but I feel safe knowing that God has a plan for my life. And that plan doesn’t have to include a straight path.

Life is about the journey of maturing and growing wiser. God has never promised I will be rich or successful if I follow Him, but the Bible tells me that where my treasure is, there my heart is also. If I love God more than other things, it will be harder for me to be disappointed when I don’t get those other things, because I will always have God.

Next Steps

To learn how to trust God in relationships, read this article.

Here are 10 verses to help you trust God in the unknown.

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