Sending Your Team

How to Find a Team

Part 2 of living missionally

5 Minute Read

As a Christian, God has a job for you. Whatever specific vision He has given you, it involves two things:
• Love God and your neighbor (Great Commandment - Matthew 22:37-39)
• Tell people about Jesus (Great Commission - Matthew 28:18-20)

You can’t do this alone. As part of a series on practical steps to live “on mission,” this article will help you see what it means to be a “missional team” and why it’s important, how to find or gather one and what to do together.

What is a Missional Team?

A “team” is any group of two or more people with a common goal. They’re not just hanging out for fun, they are trying to achieve something. A “missional” team’s goal is to play their part in God’s mission on earth.

Why Team Up?

God created us for community. In fact, as 3-in-1 defined by the trinity, God is community! We were made to reflect God, so He made us with a deep-heart need for each other and gave us different gifts that work better together.

Some people are great at planning and details. Others are spokespersons while still others sense when your team needs to go have some fun together. It’s hard to read 1 Corinthians 12 without seeing how other people can bolster you, but also consider what the team would be missing without you.

“The Christian needs another Christian who speaks God’s Word to him… The Christ in his own heart is weaker than the Christ in the word of his brother; his own heart is uncertain, his brother’s is sure.” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer from Life Together

Jesus said that the world would believe in Him if the Church were truly united (John 17:20-21). Paul echoes this in Ephesians 4:1-16, describing Christian fellowship as God’s kingdom on display.

So, hopefully you’re excited to be a part of a missional team, but who should you team up with and where do you find them?

Where’s My Team?

Start with people you really enjoy being with and see if they will join you on mission. Once you’re together, you can decide what that mission should look like.

A group of close friends is ideal, but another good option is to join others who are already moving. There are some great churches out there dedicated to equipping small groups to become missional teams. Ask your pastor or Bible study leader for ideas. You can also connect with one of the Cru ministries or individuals passionate about the same vision you have. Many organizations already have a team waiting for you.

Once you’ve found a team though, what can you do together?

What Does a Team Do?

You need to start with a commitment to meet regularly (at least once or twice a month). Meet to eat, pray, study God’s word, have fun and do mission together. Swap stories about what is God is doing.

Identify which leadership roles would be the best fit for each of your teammates.

Get to know each others’ non-Christian friends, too. There are more opportunities for your friends to see Jesus when they know more Christians. Here’s a worksheet and strategy to help you be deliberate about reaching your friends together.

Spur each other on to “stay the course,” and remember to have fun.

What good is a team without a plan? The next article in this series focuses on how to think strategically about fulfilling the mission God has given to you.



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Go: Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth (Audiobook)

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