Sending Your Team

What Do You Need?

Part 4 of living missionally

5 Things Equipping

Last article, we showed the importance and the process for having a strategic plan to fulfill God’s calling in your life.

As Christians, our two jobs on earth are:
• Love God and our neighbors (Matthew 22:37-39)
• Tell people about Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20)

Success in anything for a Christian can be defined as “doing your best in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.” Doing your best, however, involves a habit of constant growth and development.

Equipping is identifying and acquiring what you need—education, skills, tools, prayer, manpower, training and resources, etc—in order to help you live out your kingdom vision. Needs differ based on your specific calling, but these questions can help:

  1. What areas of your life need to be developed to better fulfill your calling?
  2. Are there books, conferences, or other resources that will help?
  3. List 3 steps you will take right away to better equip yourself for your kingdom vision.

A man named Demarick was part of a missional team (four couples) trying to reach their neighborhood.

He suggested that each member of the team make a double portion of their next dinner and freeze the second half. That way, when they find out about someone in their neighborhood who has a need, they could show love to them by bringing over four meals for them to have on hand.

The man’s idea might be part of “The Plan,” but the meals (the ingredients) and even the cooking skills would be part of equipping. Another equipping resource this team developed was a Facebook group for their neighborhood that, among other things, helped them see when a need came up.

Here are links to books, websites and organizations that can equip you in some of the most frequently needed areas:

Missional Living: Tangible Kingdom Primer – an 8-week study that teaches teams how to be on mission together, play-by-play. For more resources on this, see the bottom of the introduction article.

Explaining Your Faith:

  1. Book: Gospel Primer – an 8-week study designed to teach anyone the ability to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel in absolutely every area of life
  2. Website: Sometime  – a simple strategy for evangelism with your friends
  3. Tool: Missional Map – a better way to think through the spiritual journeys of your non-Christian friends, and a strategy to reach them as a team

Workplace Ministry:

  1. Book: About My Father’s Business by Regi Campbell
  2. Website: Business as Mission Network
  3. Organization: Cru’s ministry to the city

Neighborhood Ministry:

  1. Book:
    Barefoot Church Primer – 8-week study that teaches how to serve your community.
  2. Websites:
    NBS2GO – a Cru resource for neighborhood bible studies
    The Art of Neighboring
  3. Organizations:
    Cru’s ministry to the inner city
  4. Tools:
    Worksheet: Who has God given me and how do I reach them?
    Bless Every Home: Sends you reminders to pray for the closest 100 neighbors by name   

1. Book: Barefoot Church Primer – 8-week study that teaches how to serve your community.
2. Websites:
a. NBS2GO – a Cru resource for neighborhood bible studies
b. The Art of Neighboring -
3. Organizations:
a. Cru’s ministry to the inner city
b. ApartmentLife
A habit of constant learning and equipping is essential, but nothing can help bring all the elements of Missional Living together better than a good coach.
Read about what makes a good coach, how to find one and how to be one.  



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