Fundraising software built for missions and churches.

MPDX is a free, secure app that helps you grow and maintain your financial partnerships in a quick and easy way.

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Easily track your donations

Get notified when giving patterns change. Keep a bird’s eye view on your donation’s health with our dashboard.

Sync with tools you already use

Save time syncing your Google, Mailchimp, and Prayerletter service accounts to MPDX.

Stay in touch with your partners

Changes in contact information from donor services, Mailchimp, and Google sync straight to MPDX.

Track when giving patterns change, see your monthly commitments, and more with our easy-to-read dashboard

Sometimes we want to keep a close eye on our donations, and sometimes we would rather not face reality! Bottom line is, in order to steward our ministries well, we need to see what’s happening.

With our easy to read dashboard and giving notifications, we show you an all encompassing look at the details that matter - even when you’re on the go!

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With MPDX you can track when giving patterns change, see your monthly commitments, and more with our easy-to-read dashboard.

Sync once, update everywhere. Continue to use your favorite day-to-day tools

Do you need to share accounts with your spouse? Or with a team inside your ministry? MPDX’s easy integrations allow you to update once, and update everything; even between users.

Set up a connection with your Google account to automatically log a partner’s email history, keep your contacts in MPDX in sync with your Google contacts, and connect your appointments and tasks to your Google calendar. MPDX also keeps your mailing lists up to date in MailChimp, and Prayerletter Services.

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Never have the wrong address again, MPDX automatically updates your partner's contact information

Your partners are the lifeblood of your ministry, we understand how important it is to stay connected.

MPDX stores all of your contacts in one place. Changes from donor services, Mailchimp & Google sync straight to your MPDX contacts. You can also sort, tag and filter your contacts for easy organization.

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Is MPDX available for ministries outside of Cru?

Other ministries and missionaries are welcome to use MPDX free of charge. MPDX already syncs with many other organizations. If your organization is one of them, you can just sign into MPDX with your organizational email and connect to your organization when prompted. If not, we need to add your organization. There are a few options.

Does all my information come over from TNT?

Yes. Task history, notes, contact information, appeals, it all comes over. TNT Groups are created as Tags in MPDX.

How does MPDX work for spouses?

If your ministry syncs info with MPDX, and your accounts are linked together, each spouse simply logs in with their own Relay (or Key) account. This will allow you to share the same database, but sync with separate Google accounts (keeping your info up to date in each spouse’s contacts and MPDX!). You can both be working in MPDX at the same time. Changes will be saved in real time.

Try MPDX today - for Free

MPDX keeps track of your MPD details so you can focus on your ministry.

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