Free Items

This page contains the resources, tools and media you can download and use for free. We hope these items are an encouragement to you, and an aid in spreading the message of Christ's love to others!

Check back as we continue to add more items to this page.

Knowing God Personally booklet

Knowing God Personally booklet

What does it take to begin a relationship with God? Download this classic resource to learn how you can personally begin a relationship with God, right now, through Jesus Christ.



Thank you for all of your prayers, support and giving. As a way to show our appreciation we would like to give you these free smartphone wallpapers!

Using Social Media for Evangelism

Using Social Media for Evangelism

Your social media can be more than just selfies and updates on what you've been up to. You can use those platforms to share God's love to your friends and family. Here are some creative ways to share Jesus with your friends.

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