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Struggle and Triumph DVD

Use Olympic athletes' stories to communicate the gospel.

July 25, 2016



What is it?

  • 33 minute high-quality film that can be watched online, on DVD, and on the Jesus Film App 
  • 4 athlete interviews loaded with licensed Olympic footage
  • 6 chapters (open/4 interviews/close) so can be viewed all at once or in smaller pieces. 
  • Translated into 30 languages with more coming
  • An explanation of the gospel by the athletes
  • Created by Athletes in Action
  • Several free resources accompany the film including Bible Studies, a way to join an Olympic prayer team for the athletes, a 33 day devotional plan in partnership with the YouVersion Bible App, written articles from additional Olympians, short video devotions, and a way to connect with the athletes via social media. 

How to use it:

  • Please visit and share StruggleAndTriumph.com with all of your networks, partners, churches, and other ministries so they can be digital missionaries!
  • Give or watch this DVD with people you know who are following the Olympics.
  • Use the popularity of the Olympics and athletes to pass out the DVD at sporting events and other outreaches.
  • Thank your ministry partners with a quality gift while equipping and resourcing them at the same time!
  • Provide copies of the film and the link to the website to your supporting churches, asking them to share them with all of their global missions partners and equipping them with the film.
  • Do you minster to foreign students and those whose first language may not English?  In 30 languages, you can share a resource in their heart language.

Why use it:

  • Sports is a universal language, and a natural way to introduce people to the Gospel.
  • You may not be in “sports ministry”, but are you ministering to people and cultures that love sport?  Probably so.
  • Olympic athletes are heroes with a unique influence.
  • The film highlights athletes from 4 different countries and sports giving it broad appeal.
  • The athletes' stories are real and emphasize topics that most people can relate to like failure, loss, pride, identity, and using the gifts and talents your were given.
  • For the first time it features the story of a Paralympian who has overcome his physical disabilities, uniquely speaking to 10% of the world’s population with disabilities.
  • The gospel presentation by the athletes at the end is easy to understand.

Where to get it:

Athletes in Action store.

If you are a 501c3 ministry or on staff with Cru and need 50+ copies, please contact Shawn.Keith@athletesinaction.org

Free online on the Jesus Film App for Apple and Android/Google Play

Watch online for free at StruggleAndTriumph.com

Cool facts:

  • 48,000 copies have been produced for distribution in Brazil for the Rio Olympics.
  • Several broadcasters are planning to show the film multiple times leading up to and during both the Olympics (August 5-21) and the Paralympics (September 7-21) including SAT-7, CBN Worldreach, and Enlace.
  • Through a partnership with the International Sports Coalition, over 150 countries will be producing tens of thousands of copies around the globe.   

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