Get involved! Check out the ministries, locations and ways to volunteer with Cru.
If you have some parts of multiple days to give, there are many opportunities to give time to various Cru ministries and contribute to the fulfillment of the Great Commission by supporting these local and national ministries. Learn more about how you can give volunteer hours with Cru.
People are needed who are willing to help run local ministry and come alongside young people as they grow in faith.
Your time investment could support the recovery or spiritual discovery of a military service member near you.
Many skills are needed to help accomplish the wide variety of work here at our Headquarters. Serve alongside staff in diverse ministries and initiatives.
Connect with athletes and the programs that help reach them in locations you are interested in.
To find out how to volunteer locally with your nearest Cru Campus, City or Inner City ministry, please search for that location and contact information. Contact the local leaders for what volunteer opportunities are available.
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