Locations - Study Abroad

Toulouse, France

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Regularly voted the top city to study in France, Toulouse has it all. A unique city landscape, cool student vibe, culture, sports, great public transport system, and is known for a great quality of life.

Thanks to being the home to over 100,000 university students and the headquarters to airline manufacturing giant, Airbus, Toulouse is one of Europe’s fastest growing cities. For those who crave outdoor adventure, it has everything you could ask for. Rafting or hiking the Pyrenees mountains, surfing in the Atlantic Ocean, exploring Spain, and soaking up some sun on a beach are all within just a couple hours.

Though Catholicism had major influence throughout the history of France, a great majority of young people today are completely indifferent or profoundly ignorant of the gospel because they have never had a meaningful exposure to it. Of the 66 million people of France, only 1% are dedicated Christ-followers. The people of France are like the prodigal son. They have grown up with signposts for faith in God all around them, but they have chosen to put God aside, run off and follow the road of worldly pleasures wherever it may lead them.

Young people in France are confused and looking for hope for the future. Traditional family structures are breaking down and the unemployment is high. With the rising presence of Islam and the recent influx of refugees, the French are grieving the ever-changing nature of their cultural identity. But all of this has left many students looking for answers and they are open spiritually. Will you come and help be a part of calling this prodigal nation home?!


Where can I study?

The Toulouse team is trusting God to raise up student-led movements on every campus in the city and region. If you are on a campus where Agapé (CRU) is not currently present, we can try to help you get something started as well as connect you with our city-wide community. With over 100,000 students in the city, there are three main campuses that make up the University of Toulouse: UT1, UT2, UT3, and there are a few dozen other specialized schools that have partnerships with the States such as INSA and the Toulouse Business School.

What types of classes can I take?

These universities offer a wide variety of programs for coursework that will count towards most students’ degrees. The study abroad office on your campus can help you select the courses you need for your degree requirements. Your course load will be similar to a normal load (about 16 credit hours) of classes you would have in the States.

If you come to study French, you will most likely be on the UT2 campus.

When can I go?

Fall terms at most French universities typically run September through mid-January, and spring terms late January through early June. You’ll need to check with each prospective university for exact dates.

What kind of ministry will I be doing?

Our goal is to have gospel-centered student-led movements that are built through authentic relationships in a variety of settings. Your mission would be building relationships with students at your campus and residence hall and getting them connected to our city-wide French movement. A typical week in Toulouse would look pretty similar to being a Cru student leader back home. There will be a weekly schedule of small groups, weekly meeting, community building events and evangelism. We also do an outreach to the homeless. We’d love to get to know you and learn how you’d like to serve with the particular heart and gifting that God has given you!

Check out our Agapé Campus Toulouse Facebook Page to get a glimpse of the life of our group.

In addition to weekly events there are also seasonal weekends, conferences and mission trips to get you grow in your walk with Christ, get you connected to students in other cities, and give you opportunities to learn how to share your faith.

Where will I live?

Although host families may be an option with the study abroad program of your university, we’d encourage staying in a student residence. Relationships can develop so naturally there and they can be great mission fields!

Will there be a language barrier?

No. Most French and International students have been learning English since they were in grade school and are happy to have a chance to practice it with you!

How much does this cost?

The cost of tuition and fees varies by each campus and by the university you currently attend.

When is the application deadline?

  • For fall semesters, please apply here by August 1st.
  • For spring semesters, please apply here by December 1st.
  • For summer terms, please apply here by May 1st.
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