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When the global church comes together then powerful things can happen.
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Cru’s position on oneness in diversity.
Today we encounter a wide variety of questions related to sexuality and gender. As followers of Christ, we want to navigate LGBT+ questions in a way that is compassionate to people and faithful to scripture.
Showing God in action in and through His people.
Santiago is a dream location for Spanish-speaking study abroad students…exciting city, beautiful mountains, enriching culture and great opportunities to advance your language skills! You will study at a highly-rated university with a well-established international student program where you can take interesting courses in a variety of disciplines.
In addition to your educational advancement, you will help launch a missional community on your campus that will continue after you leave. Think about the group of people you live life with right now; the ones with whom you hangout, study the Word and serve Christ. We all need to be a part of the body in this way and you will help create community like this for your peers. Also, your team will regularly share the gospel with your classmates and others on our campus.
As you reach out to Chilean students and other international students, you will grow in your own faith and in your ability to proclaim Christ overseas and right here at home! We will provide you with all the training and resources you will need to be effective and local missionaries will guide your efforts throughout the semester. Plus, let’s not forget that you will be doing it all alongside a small team of other Christian students!
You can choose between two of the top universities in Chile, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile and Universidad de Chile.
Typically, students should be of junior status (at the time of study), have taken four semesters of college Spanish and meet the GPA requirement of 3.0 or higher.
Your classes will be taught in Spanish and you will have opportunities in multiple disciplines. There is also an option to enroll in an accelerated Spanish language program at the beginning of the semester.
University calendars in Chile are shifted a bit compared with ours, so the approximate semester dates are late February through mid-July and late July through early December.
Think about what the church looked like in Acts 2. We will foster an authentic community where people live life together, study the word together, serve others intentionally and invite people into a Christ-centered community. You will be able to minister both to Chileans as well as other international students.
You will live in a homestay or small apartment.
Most of life and ministry will be in Spanish. If you are not already fluent in Spanish, you can choose an accelerated langauge study before your semester.
Depending on which university you choose and what classes you take, you can usually expect a cost of $13,000 to $15,000 including tuition, homestay, etc.
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