Locations - Study Abroad

Lima, Peru

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God is doing something special in Peru. Our vision is large, and you can join in!

As we have sent our first STINT team to Lima in 2016, we are starting to see incredible growth on campuses. The number of student leaders being raised-up is gaining momentum, a growing number of students are discovering Jesus and generations of disciples are being formed. We’re trusting God for a new generation of national staff answering God’s call to full-time ministry and Cru (Vida Estudiantil) expanded to additional cities. We eventually want to see the day when Peru is sending missionaries to the Muslim world because of indigenous leadership and a self-sustaining ministry.

We are at a very grassroots stage. In 2013, we sent our very first mission trip to Lima. During these past few years we have seen a profound spiritual openness as students are accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior and as students are being mobilized to lead their peers in evangelism and discipleship. The very first STINT team arrived in 2016-2017. As you explore studying abroad in Latin America, consider coming alongside this STINT team in Peru. It’s an awesome time to further your education and further God’s Kingdom in Lima!


Where can I study?

Currently, our Cru STINT team is on the following campuses: CatholicaSan MarcosAgraria, and Ricardo Palm.

Both Catholica and San Marcos are two well-known campuses that may be attractive to you as a North American. Catholica is one of the most prestigious universities in Latin America and San Marcos is the oldest and most historic university in Peru.

What types of classes can I take?

Catholica and San Marcos offer courses in arts and sciences, engineering, business and the humanities. Additionally, Catholica offers classes in architecture. Ricardo Palma specializes in business classes. Agraria specializes in life and physical sciences, forestry science, economics, fisheries science, food science and technology, agricultural engineering and animal science.

When can I go?

The Peruvian semester runs counter to our North American semester system. First semester begins in late February and runs until July. Second semester begins around the 1st of August and finishes in December. Summer holidays run from December to January.

What kind of ministry will I be doing?

It is an exciting time to be in Peru! You will have an opportunity to step out and share your faith on campus. As you see students discover Jesus, you will be able to follow-up with them and help establish them in their new-found faith. As students continue to grow in their faith journey, you will have an opportunity to mobilize them in evangelism and into missions on their campus and beyond.

During vacation, we will organize a mission trip to another city in Peru. This is a great opportunity to participate in a mission trip with Peruvian students. Additionally, we will be organizing an annual conference for the equipping and training of Peruvian students, which you are more than welcome to join in on.

Where will I live?

As most Peruvian students live at home and commute to campus, you will likely find a neighboring apartment close to campus in which to live.

Anything else that would be good to know?

The cost to study abroad in Lima is reasonable. Most study abroad programs in Lima cost around $12,000-$14,000 for a semester. Check with your study abroad office. You might have a university exchange there that would make it much cheaper.

When is the application deadline?

  • For fall semesters, please apply here by June 1st.
  • For spring semesters, please apply here by December 1st.

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