Locations - Study Abroad

Florence, Italy

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Have you ever dreamed of walking the streets of Italy while art, history and culture come to life before your eyes? There is a good reason why Florence, Italy is such a popular destination for both tourists and study abroad students! But this remarkable city is also home to an increasingly post-Christian society and tens of thousands of from all over the world who have yet to experience a personal relationship with God.

Imagine spending a semester studying abroad on mission in one of the most culturally rich cities in Europe and earning a semester of college credit while sharing the gospel with your peers! You will grow significantly in your faith as you live in community with other believers, are trained and developed by local missionary staff, and use your gifts and passions to reach the city with the gospel!


Where can I study?

We suggest you study at the Italian International Institute of Lorenzo di Medici. (LDM). However, really you can study anywhere you like. For example, Kent State, NYU, Syracuse, Harding, George Town, Marist, George Mason, James Madison, and Pepperdine also have full-time programs in Florence. If you are currently enrolled in one of these universities, you could simply transfer into their study abroad program.

What types of classes can I take?

All courses will be taught in English except for Italian language classes. You will be able to take around 15 credit hours and the coursework will likely be less demanding than your home university. However, the workload will depend on which courses you elect to take. There are over 400 courses available at LDM (you will need to check with your university to confirm the credits can transfer). See a list of the courses offered.

When can I go?

Approximate dates are mid-January through early May for the spring semester and late August through mid-December for the fall semester.

What kind of ministry will I be doing?

You will partner with Mosaico Church. Mosaico is an evangelical church made up of a diverse group of people in Florence with a common identity in the Gospel and a common desire to see Jesus truly known in the city and beyond. They also have a heart for college students, both to share Christ’s love with them and help them grow in their faith and also to position them to be effective witnesses for Christ in the city. So, students (including foreign students) play an important role in the life of the church. This includes the 15-20 international students who join their study abroad Bible study on Tuesday nights each semester. For students who have applied and been accepted to the Cru Study Abroad program, you will also engage in a 6-10 hour per week ministry internship through the church. A variety of focuses will be available to you, and we will work together to establish a great fit where our needs and your passions come together. As a study abroad student, you have an excellent opportunity to share the gospel with your peers and others in the community. Whether it be through leading an English club to helping open of a Christian art exhibit to initiating spiritual conversations on your university campus, we are excited to see how the Lord will use you to reach Italy!

Where will I live?

LDM places students in apartments throughout the center of Florence based on their home school or university.

Will there be a language barrier?

Because Florence is such a high tourist attraction, many Italians speak English. Italian students love to practice their conversation skills; they will be excited to talk with you! All your courses will be taught in English except for Italian language classes.

How much will this cost?

The cost will vary depending on what study abroad program you go through, but direct enrollment to LDM costs around $13,000. You can expect a total cost of around $17,000 for the semester including airfare, food and housing, in-country travel, administrative fees and tuition.

When is the application deadline?

  • For fall semesters, please apply here by August 1st.
  • For spring semesters, please apply here by December 1st.
  • For summer terms, please apply here by May 1st.
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