Special Interests

Operations – Behind the Scenes

Sending the thousands of supported laborers and the hundreds of thousands of volunteers that Cru does is quite an undertaking. Without the vital support of people behind the scenes, those laborers and volunteers on the field would cease to exist.

In addition to our large field staff, Cru depends on tons of support staff using their gifts and talents to create resources for our staff in the field to be able to do their jobs most effectively.

Would you consider using your gifts to serve our field staff? Come serve with Cru today.

Wondering what you could do to serve?

We have offices all over the world that need support staff just like you. Imagine serving in Paris and helping staff on three continents to receive the resources they need to fulfill the Great Commission. What if you worked in East Asia as a part of the finance department that allowed many nationals to reach their own people? What about your own backyard? Each of our regional offices also have needs in IT, design, finance and administration.

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