Persecuted Staff Support



Help Persecuted Missionaries in Crisis

More and more Cru® missionaries are facing extraordinary threats, and we need to act immediately to ensure their safety. 

As these missionaries boldly share Jesus, many are being surveilled. Churches and Christians are increasingly being threatened. Authorities who should be protecting them are joining in the persecution. 

The danger is incredibly widespread … some of it in nations that were relatively “safe” just months ago.

To respond to spiking threats — to protect the lives and ministries of faithful men and women working in the hardest places — please consider giving to the Persecuted Staff Support Fund.

Your gift today will:

  • Help EVACUATE Cru’s missionary families to safety
  • Provide families with SHELTER — an increasingly difficult task as refugee numbers increase
  • Provide FOOD, MEDICAL CARE and other necessities

Please pray for their safety and witness during this time of extraordinary, unexpected need.

Your gift to the Persecuted Staff Fund today will offer a hand of help to missionaries in their darkest hours.

Will you help?

Your gift of $30, $50, $100 or even more will help to ensure that missionary families stay safe despite growing danger. It will bless them in their time of greatest need.

The persecution is intense … and it’s getting worse very quickly. Your gift is critical to help get gospel workers out of “red alert” situations. Please help today. 

Thank you for helping to rescue men and women serving Jesus in the hardest places!


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