
9 Families Met Jesus Despite COVID-19

Abram Muzamba was determined to continue his work of training church leaders and helping Christ followers start new churches when he heard the government of Zimbabwe was putting limits on in-person interactions.

“God managed to help us to do ministry through social media,” Abram said. “It wasn’t easy to do that because of restrictions.” Yet God moved. “I managed to win about nine families where I’m doing Bible studies,” Abram said. Members of those families indicated decisions to trust Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and to learn what it means to follow Jesus.

Zimbabwe, a country in Southern Africa that is home to about 15 million people, was deeply affected by COVID-19. Abram serves there with Global Church Movements, a branch of Cru®.

The goal of Cru’s Global Church Movements ministry is to work with Christians, existing churches, and mission agencies to establish a church for every 1,000 people. The training equips current believers to reach out to neighborhoods, villages and digital communities with the good news of Jesus.

As restrictions were lifted, Abram moved quickly. He said, “We want to thank God. Now we are able to move and visit these new believers who gave their lives to Christ.”

But in the midst of COVID-19, Abram, his wife and their three children faced financial loss. Expenses, including the cost of food, necessities for the family, and ministry expenses, rose rapidly. At the same time, some of the people whose donations had funded their work lost jobs or businesses.

Abram and his family received help thanks to gifts to Cru’s Frontline Staff Support fund. He said, “Guys, thank you for your support. It wasn’t easy to raise support. It wasn’t easy again to feed children. We thank you. God bless you.”

Abram and his family are not alone. Cru frontline staff members around the world work in politically challenging and impoverished areas. In these places, fundraising is difficult due to social, political or economic unrest. Yet having grown up there, these national staff members know how to effectively connect with people to take the message of Jesus to a world weary of illness and desperately in need of hope.

Would you consider joining with them to be a part of God’s provision?

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