EveryStudent.com is a site to help people explore their questions about life and God. Over 50 million people each year find it helpful in their lives.
Many Language Versions:
EveryStudent.com started in 2000, and is now available in more than 40 languages, listed here: https://www.everystudent.com/menus/intl.html
Owned by Campus Crusade for Christ Inc:
EveryStudent.com and all its language sites are owned by Campus Crusade for Christ Inc (doing-business-as “Cru”), which is a 501c3 nonprofit in the United States.
The IRS Employer Identification Number for Campus Crusade for Christ Inc is 95-6006173.
About the site:
EveryStudent.com and all language versions of the site provide respectful, thoughtful answers to some of life’s most challenging questions. All religions and all people are honored on the site.
Further, the site has no ads, sells nothing, and doesn’t take donations. There is no commerce on the site at all.
If email series are offered, they are always free, and a person only needs to provide their email address to receive a series. Their email address is never shared or sold to others. Since its start in the year 2000, EveryStudent sites have always maintained a visitors privacy, long before privacy laws came into being.
We invite you to visit the site in your language and share it with others.