
Looking for Opportunities

Young Couple with Computer at Park in Wien

A team of seven Agape staff from Central and Eastern Europe visited Vienna, Austria, for four weeks to inspire Austrian students to launch a movement on their campus and to involve them in evangelistic outreach among their peers. For some of the Austrian students, this was the first time they dared to go on campus to talk about faith. During the four-week outreach, God brought Agape Austria’s CampusLive ministry three new, motivated student volunteers who are ready to get involved and learn. They want to be used by God to start a movement at their university. The team even had the privilege of witnessing one student come to faith in Jesus.

Renate, a local CampusLive leader, saw a billboard ad that touched her heart recently. The slogan read: "The world is waiting for you. What are you waiting for?" These students in Austria are not waiting--they are moving forward in faith.

Ask the Lord to give you opportunities to share your faith. Look for ways to show Jesus' love to those around you. What are you waiting for?

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