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Before the second semester ended, UPLB (University of the Philippines Los Banos) student leaders led a “Changed by Love” project, a campaign that used personal testimonies of how God changed lives.
They used Facebook as a venue in featuring how their lives look before and after. In their Facebook profile pictures they posted their testimonies for everyone to read.
For two weeks they committed to share the gospel and their testimony every day on campus.
Together with other Christian organizations, the campaign culminated with a march around campus. At the Oblation Park they prayed, sang and shared testimonies on how God’s love changed lives.
The disciples took steps of faith before people and brought glory to God. Because every believer is a work in progress this makes the Christian life a great adventure.
I needed a Savior before life and people make sense.--Gail
Here’s Gail‘s story:
Compassionate love holds the key to understanding the world. However I lacked that quality.
I was indifferent even to those close to me. Only I and my opinion mattered. Though I listened to my friends’ stories, my heart stayed disconnected.
Why should I care? I got my own problems. Though the Bible commands us to love people I found no desire to do that. Bible stories seemed unrealistic.
On November 2001 my mom shared Jesus to me in a meaningful way. She emphasized how Jesus sacrificed Himself for my sins. He suffered humiliation and agonizing death before a crowd. In contrast, I saw my pride. I needed a Savior before life and people make sense. I trusted Jesus and invited Him through a prayer.
Then I understood that real connection means loving people compassionately. I needed to be unselfish as Jesus humbled Himself. Listening to others teaches me lessons.
I became involved with children’s outreach in our church. It made me tired but fulfilled. I explained to the kids about God’s love and He transformed those children. Then He opened more doors for me to serve and know Him.
During my freshman year in college I joined a field activity which involved engaging farmers and their wives. Through that, I developed a deep concern for them. In the final output on the fieldwork I suggested strategies in improving their livelihood.
God finally taught me how to love others without asking for anything in return.
I’m still learning. Sometimes I don’t understand my circumstances but God does.
Originially article published at
What do you do on your commute to work? 100 million Filipinos spend 1-3 hours a day on commuter buses. How to transform this time, was a question of prayer and planning.
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