El Salvador

Our Calling:

To help fulfill the Great Commision by: 

  • Winning, Building, Sending
  • Doing everything in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Training the body of Christ in evangelism and discipleship 

31 calle pte. Colonia Laico,
entre la 19 y 21 av. Norte,
San Salvador, El Salvador


Phone: (+503) 2226-8100

Who we are:

Cru started on July 1, 1961 at the National University of El Salvador (UNES) in San Salvador, by professor Ladislao Leiva together with his wife Lolita de Leiva.  

Our headquarters is located in San Salvador where 6 full-time missionaries serve alongside more than 50 associate staff and volunteers. 

We would love to help you grow in faith and make a difference for Christ. Contact us to learn more about our trainings, materials, and ministries near you. 

Our Mission:

Launch spiritual movements through winning, building and sending Christ-centered multiplying disciples.


Our Vision:

Movements everywhere, so that everyone knows someone that follows Jesus. 

Our Values:

  • Faith: To always be filled by the Holy Spirit as we complete our task. To believe in the promises of His Word despite challenges. 
  • Growth: To grow in the knowledge of God and His Word. To grow as a team, and be a reflection of God in all relationships. 
  • Abundant Fruit: We desire to see more multiplying disciples, and hundreds of missional communities in each branch of our ministry, by working hard and going the extra mile to serve others. 
Student Led Movements

Student Led Movements

We want to see students in El Salvador and all over the world experiencing the love and forgiveness that God offers in a relationship with Jesus Christ. We want to see students become authentic followers of Jesus who multiply themselves in others. Our motto is: "Winning the university today, to win the world tomorrow." 



Women of Today

Women of Today

We are a movement of women that intentionally seek to grow in all areas of life, while reaching other women so that they can have a positive influence in their families, communities and social circles, through personal evangelism, events, workshops, counseling and discipleship. 




Digital Strategies

Digital Strategies

People are connected globally through the internet, allowing us to reach people that have never heard about God through digital strategies. 

We offer many opportunities online for people to follow Jesus and become multiplying disciples. 

We also help disciples and teams find, use, create and share digital media, tools, and strategies in an effective manner. 



Each day we pray to be God-attentive, God-dependent, God-responsive and God-expectant, that He would...

  • MOLD our hearts to be one with His
  • MULTIPLY our lives through others
  • MOBILIZE workers through our prayers and ministry efforts





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