Outreach - Inner City

I Just Received an Easter Bag

You have received this bag because God loves you. Would you take a few minutes to watch a video below with your parents to learn more about God’s amazing love for you, your family, friends, and neighbors? We encourage you to share the videos with others!

Ready for the Good News!?

Here it is: When we believe that Jesus is God’s Son and that he died and came back to life to rescue US — we get to be part of God’s family forever! See how God planned this amazing rescue from the very beginning.

If you believe that God sent Jesus to rescue us from the bad things in the world and that Jesus died for you, then pray this prayer...

Lord Jesus, I need You and I want to have a relationship with You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sin. I open the door of my life and accept You as my Savior and King. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me the gift of You being my perfect Friend here and in Heaven. Please take control of my life and help me be the kind of person You want me to be.


La Historia

La Historia presenta el increíble relato de la creación de Dios, la desobediencia del hombre, el plan de rescate de Dios y, en última instancia, la restauración total de Su creación.


Ways to Grow in Your Faith:

  1. Connect with a local church!

    • The church that delivered your Box of Love® probably gave you info on how to connect with their worship services.
  2. Read, listen to, or watch the Bible! The Gospel of John is a great place to start.

  3. Learn More:

    New Life in Christ / Nueva Vida en Cristo

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