It Started with a Box

From the Cru Inner City Fall 2019 National Report — 31 October 2019

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Two members from New Hope brought a Box of Love.Larry and Wanda, parents of three small children, both had a church background ... but their experiences hadn't been positive. They had learned about Jesus in the past, but they weren't following him ... and they knew it.

Members from New Hope Fellowship, a local church, who knew Larry and Wanda's oldest son through one of Cru® Inner City's programs for youth, had invited them to worship services in the past, but Larry and Wanda had never been willing to make that step through the church doors.

So one fall day the church came to Larry and Wanda. Two members from New Hope, Brady and Ashley, paid a visit to their house. They knew finances were tight for Larry and Wanda, so they brought a Box of Love® filled with all the ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal!

Brady and Ashley knocked on the door, box in hand, and Wanda invited them in! They began talking about life in general, and then transitioned to a conversation about eternal life. As Brady, Ashley, and Wanda made their way through a gospel booklet, Brady noticed that Larry was in the dining room, paying close attention to the conversation, but keeping his distance.

Brady looked at Larry and asked, "Why don't you come over?" Larry got up and joined the conversation! The four of them discussed God's love, man's sin, and Jesus' death and resurrection. When the time was right, Brady looked at Larry and asked, "Who do you want to be in control of your life?" Larry and Wanda looked at each other, almost as if they were saying, "Are you ready for this?" Larry took a breath and responded, "Jesus."

What had started as a visit to bring the gift of a Thanksgiving meal ended with the gift of salvation! Larry and Wanda asked Jesus to forgive their sins and for help to follow Him!

Every time you donate a Box of Love, you create an opportunity for local churches to share the gospel with families just like Larry and Wanda's. Thank you!

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Cru Inner CityCru Inner City began as
Here's Life Inner City®
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