The Inside Game

by Kimberly Danneker — 4 May 2018

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group prayer at campSports engage young people of the inner city in productive, character-building activity. They learn discipline; they discover their talents and develop their skills; they learn teamwork.

Young men who are involved in sports have the potential to become positive leaders and influence generations. But to do this, they need God. They need to understand that He loves them and has a plan for their lives. They need to see themselves as valuable not simply because of their talent or their athleticism, but because they bear His image.

Each summer, we gather young men from America's inner cities at the state-of-the-art sports facility operated by Athletes in Action® (AIA). Partnering with AIA, a ministry of Cru®, we offer a weeklong sports camp designed to make a life-changing spiritual impact on each young man. The camp is called "J.A.M." — Jesus, Athletics, Manhood — and we're excited to share and celebrate some amazing outcomes!

Bible study at camp. This student is not Jaquon or R.L.Brothers R.L. (17) and Jaquon (15) are from Louisville, Kentucky. Both passionate basketball players, they received a scholarship to attend J.A.M. Camp. They have been involved in church activities since birth. But church attendance alone didn't give new life to Jaquon. At J.A.M. Camp, he encountered God like never before.

That week, Jaquon didn't just hear about God's love for him, he experienced it. "The camp taught me things about Jesus that I didn't know," Jaquon shares. "I got to accept Christ in my life finally, and I learned more about what I must do to stay on the right path."

R.L. was inspired by a leadership framework that changed the way he looks at life and competition. "I learned how to be a good leader and set an example for others," he tells his mentor, who has continued providing guidance long since camp ended. Of the principles he learned at camp, R.L. reveals one that most helped him grow in his faith: "I'm forgiven."

Their mother testifies to the lasting change J.A.M. fosters: "I have never seen them as excited and motivated to live a Christ-filled life as they have been since attending J.A.M. It has been a blessing to see the two boys bond from their shared experiences at camp ... and encourage one another in their faith."

The impact of JAM is both immediate and long-term. Jaquon and R.L. will never be the same. They now play a new role in their neighborhoods. And we believe as they enter college, they will do so with a fresh foundation, as people of good character, godly young men, and positive role models. They'll become real leaders.

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Kimberly DannekerKimberly Danneker serves as the Communications Specialist for Cru's inner-city ministry.


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