Prayer in All Things

by Alicia Losier — 2 August 2016

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pantry goods at Salt and SeaBy now, most of the Summer in the City® (SITC) projects with Cru® are done for the season. Students have returned to home or campus; settling back into normal life. One of the greatest things about SITC is that students develop new perspectives, some even with a desire to return to inner-city ministry.

Traron changed his summer plans a year ago and in a leap of faith joined SITC in New York City. He'd had the time of his life and learned a lot about the power of prayer. When they first arrive at the project, Traron and all the SITC students get a first-hand experience of what poverty is really like. The rest of their summer is spent with different partner ministries each week, helping serve the city.

Salt and Sea Mission hosted Traron's first experience serving. He'd learned a lesson in faith from the leader of the mission, Debbe. She'd taught him to pray about everything and to trust God in all things. Especially when it came to sharing his faith. The experience left a mark on Traron, but he didn't expect to be back in New York any time soon. But Dan, one of the Cru staff reached out to Traron and asked him to come back this summer to serve as Student Staff. He eagerly agreed.

This summer was different for Traron. He got to witness the growth of the students and help steer them towards new steps of faith. There were new partners to serve this year. Debbe had passed away a few months before he arrived, so it was the first summer without her at the helm of Salt and Sea. Still, Traron loved his Summer in the City. He even had another adventure at Salt and Sea…

SITC NYC Team 2016It was the first day serving with the ministry. The SITC students shared an abundance of pantry goods with Salt and Sea. They hoped to draw a crowd for this special event. Because many in that community are Chinese, they planned to show the JESUS Film in Mandarin. The problem was, no one spoke Mandarin to introduce the film or explain the gospel. Traron and his team realized all they could do was pray, prepare for the next day and trust God to work.

When they arrived at Salt and Sea, all those waiting in line were Chinese. It was quite simply God at work! The team, with the help of another visiting missions group, setup a makeshift movie theater and made popcorn for everyone. All who came watched the entire movie. One of the Cru staff was introduced to a woman who spoke Chinese — both Cantonese and Mandarin, and was a believer. She happily agreed to translate for the group as each student stood before the crowd to share their personal stories of God at work in their lives. Then the translator shared the gospel. Traron said he observed his teammates bowing heads in prayer throughout the event. He realized that he and the other students had come to see the importance of prayer in all things!

SITC students give their time, love, and service for a summer. But they often remark that God gives even more to them through their experience. Traron realized SITC was a special picture of the Body of Christ. "But once you know it's possible, what it looks like and that it can exist — then you start thinking about how to make it happen again," he said, adding that even though it's not the same back home, "The Lord will bless what you do have."

We are grateful for another wonderful SITC, in cities across the country like New York. We're asking God to continue to grow the hearts of the students for the inner-city and for the lost. Thank you for helping spread the gospel by sending these college students to Summer in the City with your giving and your prayers.

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Alicia LosierAlicia Losier serves as the Communications Specialist for Cru's inner-city ministry.


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