Inner City

A modern day example of “God with Us”

January 14, 2015

The bitter, cold wind shocked Brenda as she slowly pumped gas into her car. That’s when the Homeless Care Kits sitting in her trunk began to resonate.

She thought about those who didn’t have a home and what they would be going through on that same painfully cold day.

Brenda drove around some familiar places with warm blankets, hats, gloves, scarves and toiletry items that were provided to her church by Cru. Unfortunately, she never saw anyone in need and headed home.

That night, Brenda turned on the Weather Channel and saw the night’s low would be below zero so she made a few phone calls and finally spoke with a security guard at Minneapolis Harbor Light Center.

That’s where she found a need for her supplies.

After quickly scribbling down the address, Brenda headed to the homeless shelter but before she arrived she started having doubts about being alone in an unfamiliar place.

“All of a sudden, I heard a small, soft voice say to me, ‘You are not alone; I am with you,” Brenda said.

She arrived at Harbor Light with new confidence walking to the front desk ready to give out her 15 kits. A message was said over an intercom about the kits and before she knew it more people wanted kits than she had with her.

Brenda cried and prayed with several people that night. As she got in her car and prepared to drive home she heard a knock on her window.

All 15 people who received kits had come back to say, “God bless you.”

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Reach out with Christ-life compassion to homeless and hurting people with Homeless Care Kits.

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